Cumulus - NOV 16

Beautiful cumulus taken Nov 16. Pure heaven!

Altocumulos Miracle?

Probably the one shot that will make me millions (I wish).

I took this November 9. It was a glorious day that day and I looked up and just clicked away.

I spotted something in this AC cloud in the top right hand corner that looked intruguing. As I was adjusting the contrast and colors in my photo editor I accidentally pressed the negative image couldn't imagine the shock. I ran (almost fell) down the stairs to show my wife.

I'll leave it up to you guys to decide if it's just a coincidence or some kind of miracle. I must admit that I am rather dumbfounded by this photo myself. There is no clear explanation.

Thanks to the guys at for getting this photo known. I wouldn't have known how to get it out there..after all..who wants to read a blog about clouds?!

The Almighty CumuloNimbus - 7 Nov

A great shot (if i say so myself :-) ) of a cumulonimbus. You can almost feel it's power in this shot.

Stratocumulus 3 November

SC shot. Not the best composition of photos but i just had to take it when I was out.


Here is a lovely stratus formation I captured at the weekend